Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 chomikuj pdf


Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 chomikuj pdf

After the Schism, UNCANNY X-MEN starts over. What is to become of (CENSORED) and the mutants who side with him after the big split? And what does it have to do with the resurrected Mister Sinister? The hottest new writer in the business, Kieron Gillen (Thor) and superstar Carlos Pacheco (X-Men:Schism, Ultimate Avengers) bring you the biggest and baddest X-Menyou’ve ever seen. COLLECTING: UNCANNY X-MEN 1-6

Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 chomikuj pdf

Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 chomikuj pdf

Książka Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 pdf została napisana przez przez Kieron Gillen. Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 mobi ma 144 str. stron. Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 pdf należy do serii książek Uncanny X-men [Gillen] (tom 1). Uncanny X-Men, Volume 1 pdf jest książką z gatunku komiksy.

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